Leann Low

Leann Low

Hi, I am Leann Low, a Certified Baby Sleep Consultant based in Singapore and a mother to two healthy and energetic boys. As a sleep-deprived parent turned sleep consultant, I am certain that I can help you achieve the good sleep that you and your little one sorely need.

How to Cope With Separation Anxiety In Babies

How to Cope With Separation Anxiety In Babies

Separation anxiety is a common experience for young children, and it can be particularly challenging. Whether you’re searching for a “baby sleep trainer near me,” you’ve likely encountered moments when leaving your little one alone feels nearly impossible. It’s that…

Balancing Night Feed During Sleep Training

Are you considering sleep training for your baby but worried about night feedings? It’s a common concern among parents. The good news is that you can continue night feedings while implementing a baby sleep training plan. The key is to…

How Will Sleep Training Work for My Baby?

How Will Sleep Training Work for My Baby?

Are you a sleep-deprived parent looking for a solution to help your baby sleep better? If so, you might have heard about sleep training. But, you may be wondering, “How to sleep train baby? And where can I find a…

Is the 4-Month Sleep Regression a Real Thing?

Is the 4-Month Sleep Regression a Real Thing?

Indeed, the 4-month sleep regression is a real phenomenon. Around the ages of 3 to 4 months, babies may begin to face sleep difficulties, even if they were previously good sleepers. This change occurs because their sleep cycles transition from…

How to Promote Deeper Sleep in My Baby?

How to Promote Deeper Sleep in My Baby?

Are you a tired parent wondering why your baby can’t seem to sleep for long stretches? If so, you’re not alone. Many parents face similar challenges when it comes to their baby’s sleep. Fortunately, there are effective strategies and methods…

Why Does My Baby Wake Up at Night?

Baby Sleeping

As a parent, one of the most exhausting challenges you may face is when your baby wakes up repeatedly throughout the night. It can leave you feeling frustrated, sleep-deprived, and desperate for a solution. The constant disruption to sleep not…