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Can I Co-sleep And Sleep Train At The Same Time?
As a baby sleep specialist in Singapore, I have seen many parents who are torn between the idea of co-sleeping and sleep training their babies. While both methods have their own merits, it is my professional opinion that co-sleeping and sleep training cannot work together. Co-sleeping is the practice of sleeping in the same bed with your baby, while sleep training is the process of teaching your baby how to fall asleep independently and sleep through the night.
Reasons Why Co-sleeping Cannot Work for Sleep Training
1. Create Sleep Associations That Are Difficult to Break
Firstly, co-sleeping can create sleep associations that are hard to break. When your baby learns to fall asleep while snuggled up next to you, they will naturally associate sleep with your presence. This can make it difficult for them to fall asleep without you, which can lead to nighttime wake-ups and reliance on you to soothe them back to sleep. Sleep training, on the other hand, is all about teaching your baby how to fall asleep on their own, without relying on sleep associations. This involves creating a bedtime routine, putting your baby down drowsy but awake, and allowing them to learn how to self-soothe and fall asleep independently. By co-sleeping, you are inadvertently creating a sleep association with your presence that can be hard to break. This can make it difficult for your baby to learn how to fall asleep on their own, which can prolong the sleep training process and make it more difficult to establish healthy sleep habits.
2. Disrupt Baby’s Natural Sleep Patterns
Secondly, co-sleeping can disrupt your baby’s natural sleep patterns. When you sleep next to your baby, you may inadvertently disturb their sleep by snoring, moving around, or even breathing on them. This can lead to restless, interrupted sleep, which can make it difficult for your baby to get the restful sleep they need. Sleep training, on the other hand, is all about establishing a consistent sleep schedule and routine that is tailored to your baby’s natural sleep patterns. By following a consistent routine and allowing your baby to sleep in their crib or bed, you can help them establish healthy sleep habits and get the restful sleep they need.
3. Long-Term Effects on Baby’s Sleep Habits and Development
In addition to the reasons why co-sleeping and sleep training cannot work together, it is also important to consider the long-term effects of each method on your baby’s sleep habits and overall development. Co-sleeping can create a dependence on your presence that can be difficult to break, even as your baby grows older. This can lead to ongoing sleep disruptions and difficulties, which can impact your baby’s mood, behavior, and overall development. Sleep training, on the other hand, can establish healthy sleep habits that can last a lifetime. By teaching your baby how to fall asleep independently and sleep through the night, you are setting them up for success in their future sleep habits and overall development.
4. High Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Last but not least, co-sleeping can be dangerous. While many parents believe that co-sleeping is a natural and safe way to bond with their baby, it can increase the risk of SIDS. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, babies who sleep in the same bed as their parents are at a higher risk of SIDS than babies who sleep in their cribs or bassinets. Sleep training, on the other hand, is a safe and effective way to help your baby establish healthy sleep habits. By following a consistent sleep routine and allowing your baby to sleep in their crib or bassinet, you can reduce the risk of SIDS and ensure that your baby gets the restful sleep they need to grow and develop properly.
It is important to note that every baby is different, and what works for one may not work for another. However, as a baby sleep consultant, I have seen countless cases where co-sleeping has hindered the sleep training process and made it more difficult to establish healthy sleep habits. If you are considering co-sleeping as a way to bond with your baby or help them sleep better, I encourage you to explore other options that can be just as effective and safer such as hiring a baby sleep specialist Singapore. You may also create a consistent sleep routine, using a sleep sack or swaddle to help your baby feel secure, or even consider a separate sleeping space for your baby.
If you’re struggling with your baby’s sleep habits and wondering “if there is any baby sleep trainer near me?”, consider working with a baby sleep consultant in Singapore. There are sleep training baby Singapore services designed to help parents teach their babies how to sleep independently. Why wait? Do contact Sleepy Bubba today to schedule a FREE 20-minute discovery call with Sleepy Bubba and learn how I can help your baby establish healthy sleep habits that will last a lifetime.