How Do I Transit from Two Naps to One Nap?

How Do I Transit from Two Naps to One Nap?

Are you navigating the challenging transition from two naps to one nap with your baby, and wondering when and how to make this shift seamlessly? As a parent, you’ve likely experienced constant changes in your baby’s routine, and the move to a single nap is one of the significant milestones. If you are looking for a baby sleep consultant Singapore to guide you through the transition of two naps to one nap, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll explore the signs indicating your baby might be ready for the transition, when it’s appropriate, and practical tips for a smooth adjustment.

Recognizing the Right Time

The transition from two naps to one nap typically occurs between 13 – 18 months. While some babies might make this shift earlier, others may need more time. It’s crucial to observe signs that your baby is ready for this change consistently for at least 2 weeks before making adjustments.

If your baby is around 12 months old, it’s generally too early for a single nap. Changes in sleep patterns at this age could be attributed to the new skills, illness, teething, or a need to reassess wake windows.

Signs Indicating Your Baby is Ready for One Nap

Several signs suggest that your baby might be ready for the transition. Keep an eye out for:

1. Late Bedtime for Two Naps

Needing a late bedtime to accommodate two naps in a day is another indicator that your baby might be ready for a single nap schedule.

2. Night Wakings

Frequent night wakings or early morning wakings can suggest that your baby’s sleep needs are changing.

3. Protesting or Refusing Naps

Regular protest or refusal of naps could be a sign that your baby is ready for a change in their sleep routine.

4. Difficulty Falling Asleep

If your baby struggles to fall asleep during naps or bedtime, it might be an indication that they are ready for a single, consolidated nap.

5. Short Naps

If your baby’s naps are consistently short, it might be a signal that they are ready to transition to a longer, single nap.

Crafting the Transition Plan

Once you’ve identified these signs and are ready to make the transition, it’s essential to have a plan in place. Here are key steps to navigate this change smoothly:

1. Adjust Bedtime Accordingly

Aim for a 2 – 3 hour nap duration during the day, followed by bedtime approximately 4 – 5 hours later. Adjust bedtime if the nap is shorter or earlier than expected.

2. Gradually Shift the First Nap

Rather than abruptly changing the nap schedule, gradually shift the timing of the first nap. Add 15-30 minutes of extra awake time before the first nap every few days until it aligns with the desired schedule.

3. Create a Consistent Bedtime Routine

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine before the nap can signal to your baby that sleep is imminent. Simple activities like changing clothes, reading a book, and dimming lights can set the stage for a restful nap.

4. Stay Consistent

Consistency is key during this transition. Understand that it might take 2 – 4 weeks for your baby to fully adjust to the new nap schedule. Be patient and stay consistent with the routine.


How Do I Transit from Two Naps to One Nap?

In conclusion, transitioning from two naps to one nap is a natural progression in your baby’s sleep routine. It’s essential to approach this transition with patience, understanding, and a well-thought-out plan. Consistency in your approach will help your baby adapt to the new schedule. If you find that your little one is struggling with sleep during this transition, or if you seek more personalized guidance, consider reaching out to a baby sleep consultant Singapore. At Sleepy Bubba, our certified baby sleep consultants are here to support you every step of the way. A certified baby sleep consultant can provide insights tailored to your baby’s specific needs through a baby sleep training plan and help navigate the challenges that may arise during this period of change. If you’d like expert guidance or support during this transition, schedule a free 20-minute discovery call with us. Our team is here to provide the assistance you need for restful nights and a well-rested family.