Sleepy Bubba Blogs

How Do I Prepare Myself And My Baby For Sleep Training?

How Do I Prepare Myself And My Baby For Sleep Training_ - Sleepy Bubba

Babies can go through periods where they struggle to fall asleep or wake up frequently throughout the night. Although this can be a challenging time for parents, there are ways to help your babies.  Solutions can come in the form…

The Myths of Baby Sleep Training

The Myths of Baby Sleep Training - Sleepy Bubba

It has been a long day, but, try as you might, you just can’t seem to get your fussy baby to sleep well, and you just know that that is going to end up with him being cranky tomorrow. So,…

How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe

How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe - Sleepy Bubba

Babies are vulnerable. They are soft, small, and let’s be real, so cute and squishy. As much of an advantage this is to the eyes of us parents, we know how susceptible to danger babies are, and even more so…

Signs of Baby Sleep Regression and What You Can Do

Signs of Baby Sleep Regression and What You Can Do - Sleepy Bubba

Despite how it sounds, baby sleep regression isn’t something dangerous or unusual. In fact, it is part of your baby’s growth process. Sleep regression is, very simply, changes in your baby’s sleep patterns.  Most experts agree that around the baby’s…

How Much Sleep Does A Baby Need?

How Much Sleep Does A Baby Need_ - Sleepy Bubba

We all know that babies sleep a lot. For that first couple of months, especially right after being born, babies spend more time asleep than awake. And it is for a big reason, which is that they are still recovering…

Can Baby Sleep Consultant Really Help My Baby Sleep?

Can Baby Sleep Consultant Really Help My Baby Sleep_ - Sleepy Bubba

As a new parent, you’re probably feeling exhausted. You’re probably also wondering why your baby isn’t sleeping through the night yet and when they will finally start sleeping for longer stretches. You might be considering hiring a baby sleep consultant…

Benefits of Sleep Training

Benefits of Sleep Training - Sleepy Bubba

You are probably tired of getting up in the middle of the night to comfort a baby who can’t fall asleep alone. You may be wondering if you should pursue solutions beyond the typical methods. Maybe people have been pressuring…

Tips To Help Baby Sleep Better

Tips To Help Baby Sleep Better - Sleepy Bubba (1)

Parents, it is time to get your nights/bed/spouse back. I can totally relate how difficult it is to put your baby to sleep and for him/her to stay asleep – be it a newborn who needs help or a toddler…