Tag Infant sleep training

How to Help My Baby Ease Day-Night Confusion?

How to Help My Baby Ease Day-Night Confusion?

Day-night confusion refers to a phenomenon where babies exhibit more wakefulness and activity during nighttime hours and tend to sleep more during the day. Babies are born with their internal clocks still developing, which can lead to day-night confusion. This…

What Should My 6-Month-Old Baby’s Sleep Schedule Be Like?

What Should My 6-Month-Old Baby's Sleep Schedule Be Like?

As your baby reaches the 6-month milestone, their world is filled with curiosity and new experiences. This is a crucial period in a child’s development, where sleep patterns naturally evolve. Parents often wonder about the optimal sleep routines for their…

Is the 4-Month Sleep Regression a Real Thing?

Is the 4-Month Sleep Regression a Real Thing?

Indeed, the 4-month sleep regression is a real phenomenon. Around the ages of 3 to 4 months, babies may begin to face sleep difficulties, even if they were previously good sleepers. This change occurs because their sleep cycles transition from…