What Should My 5-Month-Old Baby’s Sleep Schedule Be Like?

What Should My 5-Month-Old Baby's Sleep Schedule Be Like?

At 5 months old, your sweet baby is staying awake more during the day and learning new skills. Parents often seek guidance from baby sleep consultant Singapore about wake windows, nap schedules, and more for their little ones. It’s a stage of exploration and growth, and understanding the right sleep schedule is essential for a healthy and happy baby. Let’s explore the key aspects of a 5-month-old baby’s sleep schedule and how to ensure they get the rest they need while nurturing their development.

1. Developmental Milestones

Every week and month, your 5-month-old baby embarks on new and exciting developmental milestones These milestones include displaying interest in the foods that adults consume, demonstrating improved strength when sitting upright with support, and attempting to mimic facial expressions. Your 5-month-old might respond to visual and auditory stimuli by babbling, cooing, and squealing. They also might roll easily in both directions during playtime, engaging in transferring objects between their hands and enhancing hand-eye coordination. However, it’s important to keep in mind that milestone achievement can vary, with some babies reaching them earlier or later.

2. Number of Naps

A 5-month-old baby typically needs 3 naps a day. If your baby takes more than 3 naps due to short nap durations, you should assess their wake windows and activities to ensure they aren’t undertired or overtired. The goal is to provide your baby with adequate stimulation while preventing them from becoming overtired before naps.

3. Nap Durations

For a 5-month-old, the target total daytime sleep duration is 3-4 hours, distributed across three naps. The duration and timing of these naps can vary from day to day. It’s more important to focus on the total hours of daytime sleep and adhere to age-appropriate wake windows. It’s advisable not to let any single nap exceed 2 hours in duration.

The goal here is to keep the total daytime sleep under 4 hours and cap any single nap at 2 hours. Even if it means gently waking a sleeping baby, rest assured, this practice is acceptable and sometimes necessary for several reasons:

a) Consolidated Night Sleep

Proper daytime napping ensures that your baby’s night sleep remains consolidated and restful.

b) Optimal Bedtime

Waking your baby as needed in the daytime helps align their schedule for a sweet spot bedtime, ideally between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m.

c) Frequent Feedings

It allows you to provide regular breast or bottle feedings every 2.5 to 3.5 hours during the day, supporting their growth and nourishment.

d) Adequate Active Awake Time

Ensuring your baby has enough time to be actively awake is crucial for their overall development and well-being.

4. Wake Windows

Wake windows for a 5-month-old typically range from 2 to 3 hours. It’s common for morning wake windows to be shorter and gradually increase as the day progresses. For instance, you might notice that your baby can’t handle a full 3-hour wake window until around 6 months of age. Here’s a general wake window routine:

Approximately 2 hours after Wake Time: Nap 1

About 2 hours after the end of Nap 1: Nap 2

Roughly 2.5 hours after the end of Nap 2: Nap 3

Approximately 2.5 to 3 hours after the end of Nap 3: Bedtime

What Should My 5-Month-Old Baby's Sleep Schedule Be Like?

5. Ideal Bedtime

Establishing an optimal bedtime for your 5-month-old plays a pivotal role in their sleep schedule. The ideal bedtime falls between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. However, bear in mind that your baby needs approximately 2.5-3 hours of awake time before heading to bed. Going to sleep after 8:00 pm may lead to challenges such as increased night wakings, early morning awakening, bedtime resistance, and false start bedtimes.

6. Engaging Activities

At 5 months old, your baby is becoming increasingly curious about the world. To nurture their development, engage in stimulating activities like narrated walks, encouraging them to explore the environment’s sights and sounds. Create opportunities for physical growth by providing floor time for rolling and sitting with your support. Spend time in front of a mirror, making expressive faces for your little one to observe and imitate. Keep them entertained with a game of peek-a-boo, adding a sense of surprise and joy to their day. Finally, offer a safe sensory experience with a shoebox filled with items like tennis balls, cups, bells, and ribbons. These activities will promote cognitive and motor skill development while creating special moments together.

7. Sleep Regression

While there isn’t a specific sleep regression at the 5-month mark, some babies may still encounter sleep challenges. It’s important to understand that factors like remnants of the 4-month sleep regression, ongoing developmental changes, or other external variables can impact your baby’s sleep patterns. In response to any sleep struggles, the most reliable approach is to establish a consistent and well-structured sleep plan to nurture your baby into a great sleeper.

8. Sleep Resistance

If your 5-month-old is fighting sleep, it’s often attributed to either being undertired or overtired. To address this, pay close attention to your baby’s wake windows, ensuring they are engaged in adequate active awake time. In cases where bedtime remains a struggle, it’s essential to implement a consistent bedtime routine for your baby. A well-structured bedtime routine helps signal your baby’s body and mind for a peaceful night’s sleep.

9. Sleep Training at 5 Months

If you’re struggling with your little one’s sleep and need personalized guidance, consider infant sleep training Singapore provided by Sleepy Bubba. An infant sleep consultant Singapore understands your baby’s sleep patterns. Our consultants make it a point to conduct a 4-24 months sleep patterns evaluation for all the babies to have a deeper understanding of each child. They can also offer expert advice, and provide a tailored sleep plan that suits your family’s needs. At Sleepy Bubba, we specialize in helping parents navigate the complexities of infant sleep patterns. We are here to support you and your baby on your sleep journey. Don’t hesitate to schedule a FREE 20-minute discovery call with us to discuss your baby’s sleep and explore solutions for better sleep.


In short, creating the perfect sleep schedule for your 5-month-old baby is a dynamic process that requires flexibility and observation. Each baby is unique, and their sleep patterns can evolve rapidly. By staying attuned to your baby’s cues and needs, you can fine-tune their sleep schedule to ensure both restful days and peaceful nights.